Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023: Components, Objectives, Implementation, Benefits & Challenges (Complete Guide)
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Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023: Components, Objectives, Implementation, Benefits & Challenges (Complete Guide)

In the Union Budget 2023–24, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, the Union Finance Minister, introduced a new innovative programme called the Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023. This programme is being launched to safeguard and maintain the nation’s essential wetlands, which provide the basis of aquatic biodiversity. Wetlands are important ecosystems that provide a home for a variety of aquatic flora and animals, which is essential for maintaining the ecological balance. Unfortunately, because of a number of issues like pollution, encroachment, and climate change, these habitats are in danger, making the need for their protection urgent.

The Amrit Dharohar Scheme was introduced in reaction to this in order to save India’s wetlands and ensure their sustainable maintenance. The major goal of the programme is to improve wetlands management and conservation across the nation, with a concentration on wetlands that are essential to biodiversity and ecological balance. In order to assure their active involvement and ownership in the conservation process, the programme also intends to incorporate local communities and stakeholders, making it a people-centric effort. The programme strives to establish a sustainable ecology with the aid of neighbourhood communities. It falls under “Green Growth”, one of the budget’s seven goals. 

What is Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023?

Wetlands are essential ecosystems because they provide vital habitats for a wide variety of aquatic plants and animals. They are essential for preserving the ecological balance because they promote biodiversity, control water cycles, and provide habitat. 

The wetlands are unfortunately in danger in India because of a variety of issues, including pollution, encroachment, and climate change, making their preservation a critical problem. In order to maintain and preserve the crucial wetlands of the nation, the Indian government introduced the Amrit Dharohar Scheme in 2023.

About Amrit Dharohar Scheme (in Brief)

An innovative programme that concentrates on the preservation and sustainable management of wetlands in India is called the Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023. The scheme’s major goal is to improve the management and protection of wetlands across the nation, with an emphasis on those that are essential for preserving biodiversity and the ecological balance. In order to secure their active involvement and ownership in the conservation process, the programme also aims to include stakeholders and local communities.

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Significance of Safeguarding Wetlands in India

  • The wetland environments support a wide variety of aquatic flora and animals, including migratory birds.
  • The Wetlands aid in the regulation of water cycles, which is crucial for agriculture and the supply of drinking water.
  • The Wetlands serve as a natural barrier against calamities like cyclones and floods.
  • The Wetlands are essential for storing carbon and reducing the consequences of climate change.

We shall go into more detail about the Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023 in the parts that follow, including its goals, implementation plan, successes, difficulties, and next steps. We’ll also look at how important the programme is for India’s effort to save wetlands.

Background of Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023

Wetland environments, which are essential for preserving the ecological balance and sustaining aquatic biodiversity, are abundant in India. These wetlands have been degraded and lost as a result of the quick pace of urbanization, industrialisation, and agricultural growth. India has long recognised the necessity for wetland protection, and several laws and programmes have been put in place to safeguard these habitats.

Indian Wetlands Protection in Historical Perspective

  • To preserve and manage the nation’s wetland resources, the Indian government launched the National Wetland Conservation Program (NWCP) in 1981.
  • The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was approved in 1987, and India joined the convention as a signatory. An international agreement called the Ramsar Convention offers guidelines for the preservation and responsible use of wetlands.

To encourage the conservation and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems, especially wetlands, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change (MoEFCC) introduced the National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (NPCA) in 2010. In the next step, the Amrit Dharohar Program 2023 was also introduced in Budget – FY 2023-24.

Obstacles to Securing India’s Wetlands

In spite of attempts to preserve them, wetlands in India confront a number of obstacles, like as

  • Wetlands are being lost and becoming degraded as a result of rapid development and urbanisation.
  • Wetlands are contaminated by unsustainable farming practices, such as the excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers.
  • Climate change, which causes changes in temperature patterns, rainfall patterns, and sea level rise, has a negative impact on wetlands and threatens biodiversity.
  • insufficient legal and regulatory structures for managing and conserving wetlands.

Wetlands’ Importance for Aquatic Biodiversity

A wide variety of flora and fauna, including various species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, are supported by India’s important wetland ecosystems. They are also crucial for the local inhabitants’ way of life since they depend on wetlands for fishing, farming, and other commercial activities. 

The wetlands offer a variety of ecological services, such as carbon sequestration, flood control, and water purification. Wetlands are vulnerable to destruction and loss, which can have negative effects on human well-being, environmental services, and biodiversity.

Objectives & Aims of Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023

The Indian government has created the innovative Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023 to safeguard and conserve the nation’s crucial wetlands. The programme intends to improve the country’s wetlands management and conservation efforts, with a particular emphasis on wetlands that are vital to biodiversity and ecological stability.

Intentions behind Amirt Dharohar Project

The Amrit Dharohar Scheme’s primary goals are given below:

  • To preserve and safeguard the nation’s wetland habitats and the biodiversity that goes along with them.
  • to advocate for the sustainable management of wetlands and their smart usage.
  • to increase the ability of stakeholders, especially local institutions and people, to properly manage wetlands.
  • to create a thorough wetland inventory and monitoring system to aid in wetland management and conservation.
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Key Elements & Characteristics of Amrit Dharohar

Here are key characteristics and elements of the Amrit Dharohar Scheme include:

  • Prioritization of priority wetlands: 

The plan ranks important wetlands for protection according to their ecological importance and the risks they face.

  • Wetland conservation and management plans: 

The programme encourages the creation of such plans that take into account scientific knowledge, traditional knowledge, and stakeholder involvement.

  • Building capacities: 

The programme offers training and capacity-building programmes for stakeholders, including local people, government representatives, and NGOs, to improve their abilities to manage wetlands successfully.

  • Research & Monitoring:

Increasing scientific understanding of wetland ecosystems, their ecological processes, and their biodiversity is accomplished in part via research and monitoring operations, which are supported by the programme.

  • Institutional Strengthening:

Institutional structures, such as wetland authorities and management committees, are encouraged to be strengthened as part of the plan to promote the management and protection of wetlands.

Implementation of Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023

The Amrit Dharohar Scheme’s implementation plan entails:

  • Prioritization of conservation and management measures for key wetlands identification.
  • Creation and execution of management and conservation plans for wetlands.
  • Training and capacity-building initiatives for stakeholders.
  • Activities for research and observation to advance scientific understanding of wetland ecosystems.
  • Strengthening of institutions to support management and protection of wetlands.

With the assistance of state governments under the Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023 and other partners, the programme is carried out by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change’s (MoEFCC) Wetlands Division. The programme has made a considerable contribution to wetland protection and has the ability to continue doing so.

Challenges & Amrit Dharohar 2023 Way Forward

The Amrit Dharohar Scheme has significantly improved wetland protection, however, there are still many problems and barriers to overcome. A few of these include

  • Encroachment and illegal activity: 

Encroachment and illegal activity, including as poaching, fishing, and garbage dumping, pose a danger to many wetlands in India and can cause the degeneration and loss of wetland ecosystems.

  • Lack of awareness and political will:

Lack of political will and public understanding of wetlands’ significance might thwart efforts to preserve them.

  • Limited resources and funding: 

Implementing successful conservation and management initiatives may be challenging due to the limited funds and resources available for wetland protection.

Potential Solutions for Amrit Dharohar Scheme

The Amrit Dharohar Programme can take a number of actions to solve these issues, including:

  • In order to preserve wetlands from encroachment and unlawful activities, the plan can cooperate with law enforcement organisations.
  • The programme has the ability to run campaigns for public awareness of the value of wetlands and their conservation.
  • To boost the amount of money available for wetland protection, the plan may look at creative funding strategies including public-private partnerships.
  • The programme may provide funding for projects that aim to create novel wetland management and conservation techniques.

Contributions by Community & Stakeholders for Amrit Dharohar

The community’s and stakeholders’ active engagement is essential to the Amrit Dharohar Scheme’s success. This comprises:

  • As they possess specialised knowledge and experience in this field, local communities may be included in the protection and management of wetlands through the programme.
  • To ensure that wetlands are prioritised in policy and planning, the programme can work with government organisations at the state and federal levels.
  • In order to benefit from their knowledge and resources for wetland conservation and management, the scheme may collaborate with NGOs and other organisations.
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The critical wetlands of India, which support aquatic biodiversity, are to be protected and conserved under the Amrit Dharohar Plan 2023. Even though the scheme has come a long way, there are still many problems and barriers to overcome. The Amrit Dharohar Scheme can have a big influence in the future by tackling these issues and incorporating stakeholders and the community.

Important Links to Know More About Amrit Dharohar

Here are some important links for an article on the “Amrit Dharohar Scheme”:

Further details about the Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023, wetland conservation in India, and other programmes and organisations may be found by following these links.

FAQs About Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023

These are some Amrit Dharohar Programme commonly asked questions (FAQs):

What is Amrit Dharohar Scheme 2023?

The Indian government’s Amrit Dharohar Plan aims to safeguard and conserve the nation’s wetlands, which are significant habitats that support aquatic biodiversity.

What are the wetlands?

Wetlands are regions of land that experience seasonal or permanent saturation by water. They sustain a diverse range of plant and animal species and include marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens.

What makes wetlands significant?

Wetlands are beneficial to both people and the environment because they control water flow, clean the water, store carbon, and promote biodiversity. They are crucial habitats for animals and migratory birds.

Which of the Amrit Dharohar Scheme’s essential components?

A few essential components of the Amrit Dharohar Scheme include mapping and inventorying wetlands, creating management plans, carrying out restoration and conservation efforts, and increasing public awareness of the need to protect wetlands.

What are some of the obstacles to India’s wetland conservation?

India’s wetland ecosystems struggle with a variety of issues, such as pollution, encroachment, misuse, and climate change. These elements may cause wetland habitats to deteriorate and disappear, as well as the species that rely on them.

What role do stakeholders and communities play in the success of the Amrit Dharohar Scheme?

Communities and stakeholders play a crucial role in the Amrit Dharohar Scheme’s success. They may assist in conservation and restoration efforts, share their extensive knowledge of local wetlands, and work to increase public understanding of the value of wetlands.